Tinting car windows not only provides aesthetic benefits but also contributes to the safety and well-being of passengers.
The tinting film, made of plastic, is installed on the inside of the glass. This plastic contains small particles of metals and ceramic material, which enhance passengers’ comfort.
- Children’s well-being while traveling
- Glare and heat rejection
- UV protection for children and adults
- Fragment protection
- Privacy in the car
- Enhancing the car’s appearance
Children’s well-being while traveling
We believe that children have the right to comfortable travel in the car. Many parents are familiar with comments like “Dad, Mom – the sun is glaring / it’s too hot!” Children’s discomfort and restlessness in the back seats can affect the parents traveling in the front seats, posing a safety risk for the driver.

Glare and Heat Rejection
Tinting film acts as a sun protection film. Depending on the darkness shade, traditional dyed films reject 28% to 44% (Llumar ATC series) of the sun’s heat and up to 94% glare. Fortunately, all films worldwide block 99% of UV radiation, regardless of darkness shade, even transparent films.
So, it can be said that the darker the tinting film, the better it blocks factors that may inconvenience passengers. With modern ceramic films, a brighter film provides greater benefits than traditional tinted films.
Comparison between traditional films and ceramic tinting films:
Customers’ most popular choice for rear windows is a 15% darkness shade, which rejects:
- Traditional film: 40% of the sun’s heat
- Ceramic film: 63% of the sun’s heat
Here, the ceramic film is 58% more effective in rejecting the sun’s heat compared to traditional tinting films.
Customers’ most popular choice for front windows is a 35% darkness shade, which rejects:
- Traditional film: 35% of the sun’s heat
- Ceramic film: 58% of the sun’s heat
Here, the ceramic film is 66% more effective in rejecting the sun’s heat compared to traditional tinting films.
With current technology, ceramic films have dominated the car window tinting market in the USA, and their popularity is gradually spreading to Europe as well.

UV Radiation for Children and Adults
UV radiation is at its highest in Finland in July. The so-called peak season for UV radiation begins to increase in March and ends in November. Exposure to UV radiation increases the risk of skin cancer.
UV radiation is divided into three categories: UV-A, UV-B radiation, and UV-C radiation.
UV-A radiation penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and causes premature aging. Exposure to a large amount of UV-A radiation and skin exposure to UV radiation after sunburn increase the risk of skin cancer.
UV-B radiation causes the skin to thicken and tan when the radiation reaches the surface layers of the skin. The thickened layer of skin protects the skin tissue from the harmful effects of UV radiation due to tanning, or pigmentation.
UV-C radiation is filtered out in the highest layers of the atmosphere and therefore does not come into contact with humans.
According to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, UV radiation has increased by about 12%.
The most common form of skin cancer is melanoma. Sunburn increases the risk of melanoma. Therefore, it is important to protect children’s skin, as sunburn before the age of 15 increases the risk of melanoma.
Tinted films in cars and sun protection films in buildings block 99% of UV radiation.
The skin of babies and young children is thinner and therefore more sensitive to UV radiation and heat from the sun. The protective mechanism in young children is not as well developed as in adults, so it is important to protect rear passengers from UV radiation.
When it comes to adults, drivers are often exposed to UV radiation, especially from the left side, through the closest glass surface. That’s why many customers opt for light tinting on the front windows. More about front window tinting can be found in the Window Tinting – Law blog.

Fragment Protection
Tinted films enhance safety in collision situations.
In the event of a collision, glass is prone to breaking easily. If there are passengers in the car, the glass shatters into small sharp pieces and falls onto them. Although all car windows are tempered, there is still a high risk of the glass shards injuring passengers. Windshields are an exception because they consist of laminated glass elements with a laminating film in between. This laminating film acts as a binding structure for the windshield, keeping it as a single piece as much as possible in a collision situation.

Window tinting for cars achieves the same effect, as the tinting film acts as lamination and binds the glass together, even if it shatters. Thus, it reduces and even prevents glass shards from reaching a person’s skin in the worst-case scenario.

Privacy in the Car
We believe that everyone has the right to privacy while driving. The “aquarium effect” is one of the uncomfortable situations for drivers on the road.
When car windows are tinted, it not only improves the appearance of the vehicle but also ensures the security of valuables, tools, and our privacy since the interior of the car is not visible from the outside. For example, one of the most common damage cases for construction companies is break-ins and theft of tools from vehicles. Thanks to window tinting, tools and equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars in vans are safe and do not attract passersby because they simply cannot see inside.
For hunters, tinting is often even a mandatory accessory because storing weapons in the cargo area is a safety risk, which is usually minimized with car window tinting.

Car’s Appearance
We believe that every driver has the right to drive the best-looking car.
Almost every car brand’s showcase car on their website and in all advertisements has tinted windows, even the front doors and windshield. This is done to attract people’s attention more effectively and to make the car more appealing and stylish to a larger audience. Therefore, window tinting significantly enhances the appearance of the car.
Tinting the rear windows of the car is by far the most popular service out of all window tinting options. Regardless of legal regulations, tinting the front door windows is also a very popular service, statistically performed on 80% of cars simultaneously with tinting the rear window and rear door windows. More information about the permissible tinting of front door windows and windshields can be found here.

You can see different tinted cars in our gallery.
Tinting the rear windows of the car and its cost is a cost-effective equation when comparing the transformed appearance to the price paid.
The success of window tinting and the quality of film installation affect the appearance.
Learn more about the quality standards of window tinting here.
Would you like the work to be done responsibly, on schedule, and with the best value for your money? Ask for a quote from the professionals at Restyling Point, who perform this with quality standards, values, and love.
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