Mikko J
Mikko J
Jo kolmas autoni, jonka käytin Restyling Pointilla. Edellisiin autoihin teetin Restyling Pointilla lasien tummennuksia, mutta nyt täysin uuteen autoon halusin PPF kalvoa mm. konepellin suojaksi. Sain hyvät suosittelut mitä uudesta autosta kannattaa suojata ja ajanvarauksessa oltiin todella joustavia, ymmärtäen, että uuden auton suojaus on tehtävä mahdollisimman pian
Juha Laine
Juha Laine
Teetätin viime vuonna Restylingillä helmojen ja ajovalojen PPF teippauksen, ja olin työnjälkeen, ja asiakaspalveluun niin tyytyväinen, että teetätin saman suojauksen myös uuteen autooni. Auto otettiin jo seuraavana päivänä työn alle, ja lopputulos oli tälläkin kertaa erinomainen, kuten alansa parhaalta liikkeeltä sopii odottaa.
Fredrik Rainesalo
Fredrik Rainesalo
Laitoin kolmeen eri yritykseen samalta alueelta tarjouspyynnön takalasien tummennuksesta. Restyling Point vastasi parissa tunnissa, ja yksi toinen vastasi pari päivää myöhemmin, kun aika oli jo varattu tänne. Kolmas ei vastannut koskaan. Hyvällä ensivaikutelmalla siis lähdettiin jo liikenteeseen, ja työn jälki ei pettänyt! Asiantunteva liike joka osasi tarjota myös minun autolle aidosti sopivia lisäpalveluita. Aidosti voin suositella ikkunatummennukseen!
Erik Saar
Erik Saar
A company that delivers everything at the highest standard because they value people’s time and money. Without a doubt, finding one like that is challenging.
Andrei Koltsin
Andrei Koltsin
Great service! I brought my car in to get the hood wrapped in protective film, and they finished everything within a day, just as promised. The work was done with high quality, everything was precise and without any issues. I’m really happy with the result – the car looks amazing! The staff was polite and professional, and they explained each step of the process clearly. If you're looking for protective film wrapping in Helsinki, I highly recommend this place!
Maria Ishutina
Maria Ishutina
Aivan huippu asiakaspalvelu! Lasien tummennus meni moittettomasti! Varmasti tulen jatkossakin käyttämään yrityksen palveluita.
I had my GR Yaris detailed at this shop and I highly recommend it. I got ceramic coating, PPF film protection, and badge tint done here. Everything went perfectly, and my car looks sexy af. The owner also gave me some useful advice on how to take care of the car. Very professional, and I am very satisfied!
Jesse Nieminen
Jesse Nieminen
Arvostan suuresti huippuammattilaisia, jotka haluavat tehdä asiat viimeisen päälle mahdollisimman hyvin. Sergei on ehdottomasti tällainen. Hän neuvoi avuliaasti sekä kommunikoi selkeästi koko prosessin läpi. Voin suositella lämpimästi!
Jaakko Laine
Jaakko Laine
Teetin koko ulkomaalipinnan ja oven sisäpuolisten maalipinnan osien PPF-kalvon asennuksen uuteen Mazda MX-5:een, sekä vanteiden pinnoituksen ja takalasin tummennuksen. Auton saatiin heti toimituksen jälkeen työn alle, vaikka toimitus tapahtui vähän odotettua aikaisemmin. Teippasin autoani ensimmäistä kertaa ja minua perehdytettiin hyvin aiheeseen, sekä eri materiaalien toimivuudesta kerrottiin avoimesti. Yrityksen sivuilta löytyy runsaasti tietoa palveluista ja perehdytystä alaa tuntemattomille suomeksi. Työn jälki oli erittäin hyvää ja kalvo asennettiin siten, että saatiin maksimaallinen suoja ja kaikki mahdolliset reunat taitettiin piiloon. Myös hankalat kohteet, kuten peruutuskamera ja auton etäisyysanturien peitettiin kokonaan kalvolla ilman reunoja. Näiden hankalien kohtien osalta todettiin, että mikäli teipin pysyvyydessä on ongelmia, voi auton tuoda myöhemmin lyhyelle käynille ilmeiseksi, jotta teippi voidaan leikata auki ja huonosti pysyvä osa poistaa. Yhden etäisyysanturin kohdalla teipin kanssa oli ongelma pysyvyyden kanssa, joka korjattiin auki leikkaamalla ilmaiseksi, kuten luvattiin. Suojaa saatiin myös takaluukun lastaussuojan seudulle ja ovien kynnyslistoihin, mistä ei ollut työtä tilattaessa erikseen puhetta. Työn aikana edistymisestä tiedotettiin ja ehdotettiin joitakin lisäsuojauksia ja töitä, jotka kannattaisi teettää samalla. Maksuttomina lisätöinä sain myös mediajärjestelmän näytön suojakalvotuksen ja eturekisterikilven kiinnitystavan muutoksen sirompaan ratkaisuun. Voin hyvin mielin suositella Restyling Pointia, joka saa kiitosta erityisesti laadukkaasta työstä ja hyvästä palvelusta.

In all the services that we offer, we believe that the customer must get the best possible quality standard and materials in exchange for their money. It just so happens, that we love what we do, and our passion for the job and this industry started exactly with window tinting.

If you want to get the most precise and invisible window film installation to your car, where the film does not come off – we make it possible.

If you want to protect yourself, your child or your pet from the excessive sun exposure and harmful UV rays, increase privacy and significantly improve the appearance of your car – we will help you. We have the experience of tinting tens of thousands of different vehicles, and there is no glass that we cannot tint.

We only use materials from the world’s leading window film manufacturers, with a 15-year material guarantee.

“Find out more about our quality standards here.”

Mercedes car Glass tinting


The darkness of window tinting films is measured in percentages, which tell the amount of light coming from the outside. We always help each customer to choose the right tinting shade, considering their individual wishes. If you don’t know yet what you want, together we will identify your needs and will make sure that you are satisfied with the result.

Guide to different window film tint shades:

  • 5% – The darkest, popular film for rear windows
  • 15% – The most popular film for rear windows
  • 25% – Popular choice for rear door windows
  • 35% – The most popular choice for front door windows
  • 50% – Light, popular shade for front door windows and windshield
  • 70% – The lightest, most popular film for windshield

The car window film is always installed on the inside. The window film has a 15-year warranty and after the installation you will receive a warranty certificate.

Read more about front window tinting in our blog post.

Mercedes car Glass tinting


The darkness of window tinting films is measured in percentages, which tell the amount of light coming from the outside. We always help each customer to choose the right tinting shade, considering their individual wishes. If you don’t know yet what you want, together we will identify your needs and will make sure that you are satisfied with the result.

Guide to different window film tint shades:

  • 5% – The darkest, popular film for rear windows
  • 15% – The most popular film for rear windows
  • 25% – Popular choice for rear door windows
  • 35% – The most popular choice for front door windows
  • 50% – Light, popular shade for front door windows and windshield
  • 70% – The lightest, most popular film for windshield

The car window film is always installed on the inside. The window film has a 15-year warranty and after the installation you will receive a warranty certificate.

Read more about front window tinting in our blog post.



We believe that it is more comfortable and safer for a construction professional to perform his work in a machine protected from the sun, rather than feeling like in a sauna.

For the past 10 years, Restyling Point has done window tinting for a variety of excavators, tractors, and other heavy machinery across Scandinavia. Our team comes directly to the site to install the most effective window film on your excavator.

As an example, commonly installed windows films on excavators:

  • darker 5% or 15% films on roof windows, rear windows and lower windows on the sides.
  • slightly brighter 25% or 35% films on the upper parts of the side windows
  • almost transparent 80% sun protection film on the windshield

For a more accurate price estimation we need photos from multiple angles of the vehicle’s exterior, photos from the inside to see any controls/holders installed on the glass surfaces etc., and the location of the machine.

You can send us an email or a WhatsApp message.

Tinting the windows of the excavator, tinting the tractor, tinting the Digger
Tinting the windows of the excavator, tinting the tractor, tinting the Digger


We believe that it is more comfortable and safer for a construction professional to perform his work in a machine protected from the sun, rather than feeling like in a sauna.

For the past 10 years, Restyling Point has done window tinting for a variety of excavators, tractors, and other heavy machinery across Scandinavia. Our team comes directly to the site to install the most effective window film on your excavator.

As an example, commonly installed windows films on excavators:

  • darker 5% or 15% films on roof windows, rear windows and lower windows on the sides.
  • slightly brighter 25% or 35% films on the upper parts of the side windows
  • almost transparent 80% sun protection film on the windshield

For a more accurate price estimation we need photos from multiple angles of the vehicle’s exterior, photos from the inside to see any controls/holders installed on the glass surfaces etc., and the location of the machine.

You can send us an email or a WhatsApp message.


A blog post about the benefits of car window tinting.

Protection against solar heat and harmful UV Rays – A person, child or pet in a car with tinted windows is protected from solar heat by up to 66% and UV radiation by 99%. The comfort of passengers improves, the car upholstery does not fade, the need for air conditioning is reduced, thus fuel/electricity consumption is lowered in summer.

Enhanced privacy & security – Tinted windows is also considered a security feature as it prevents unwanted eyes from seeing what is inside the car. Personal belongings stay safely in the car, away from extra glances and temptations.

Reduced sun glare – Window tinting also protects against the glare of the sun and bright light, making it easier and safer to drive. When driving in the dark, the tint film on the rear window blocks dazzling light to reach the rearview mirror.

The appearance of the car – Window tinting is a great way to improve the appearance of your car. The car gets a more elegant look, and the ‘aquarium’ effect disappears. Window tinting result is always neat and unnoticeable.

Safety – In the event of a collision, window film can effectively hold the shattered glass and prevent the shards of glass from flying inside the car. The window tint does not prevent window breakages, but it can reduce the injuries caused from shattered glass.

Safety and well-being of children – We believe that every child is entitled to a maximum safety and care. Sunlight that streams through the car windows contains harmful UV rays that are dangerous to the sensitive skin of young children. Window tint films have UV blocking features that help reduce children’s chances of getting exposed to excessive amounts of UV radiation. Every qualitative window film on the market protects from 99% of harmful UV rays. According to scientific research, protection from harmful sun rays is especially important in childhood.

The surface of the window film has an extra thin layer of lamination against light wear, so it is resistant to children’s nails, stickers, chalks and pens.

Among our customers with children, the 15% and 25% window tint film are clearly the most popular choices.