Mikko J
Mikko J
Jo kolmas autoni, jonka käytin Restyling Pointilla. Edellisiin autoihin teetin Restyling Pointilla lasien tummennuksia, mutta nyt täysin uuteen autoon halusin PPF kalvoa mm. konepellin suojaksi. Sain hyvät suosittelut mitä uudesta autosta kannattaa suojata ja ajanvarauksessa oltiin todella joustavia, ymmärtäen, että uuden auton suojaus on tehtävä mahdollisimman pian
Juha Laine
Juha Laine
Teetätin viime vuonna Restylingillä helmojen ja ajovalojen PPF teippauksen, ja olin työnjälkeen, ja asiakaspalveluun niin tyytyväinen, että teetätin saman suojauksen myös uuteen autooni. Auto otettiin jo seuraavana päivänä työn alle, ja lopputulos oli tälläkin kertaa erinomainen, kuten alansa parhaalta liikkeeltä sopii odottaa.
Fredrik Rainesalo
Fredrik Rainesalo
Laitoin kolmeen eri yritykseen samalta alueelta tarjouspyynnön takalasien tummennuksesta. Restyling Point vastasi parissa tunnissa, ja yksi toinen vastasi pari päivää myöhemmin, kun aika oli jo varattu tänne. Kolmas ei vastannut koskaan. Hyvällä ensivaikutelmalla siis lähdettiin jo liikenteeseen, ja työn jälki ei pettänyt! Asiantunteva liike joka osasi tarjota myös minun autolle aidosti sopivia lisäpalveluita. Aidosti voin suositella ikkunatummennukseen!
Erik Saar
Erik Saar
A company that delivers everything at the highest standard because they value people’s time and money. Without a doubt, finding one like that is challenging.
Andrei Koltsin
Andrei Koltsin
Great service! I brought my car in to get the hood wrapped in protective film, and they finished everything within a day, just as promised. The work was done with high quality, everything was precise and without any issues. I’m really happy with the result – the car looks amazing! The staff was polite and professional, and they explained each step of the process clearly. If you're looking for protective film wrapping in Helsinki, I highly recommend this place!
Maria Ishutina
Maria Ishutina
Aivan huippu asiakaspalvelu! Lasien tummennus meni moittettomasti! Varmasti tulen jatkossakin käyttämään yrityksen palveluita.
I had my GR Yaris detailed at this shop and I highly recommend it. I got ceramic coating, PPF film protection, and badge tint done here. Everything went perfectly, and my car looks sexy af. The owner also gave me some useful advice on how to take care of the car. Very professional, and I am very satisfied!
Jesse Nieminen
Jesse Nieminen
Arvostan suuresti huippuammattilaisia, jotka haluavat tehdä asiat viimeisen päälle mahdollisimman hyvin. Sergei on ehdottomasti tällainen. Hän neuvoi avuliaasti sekä kommunikoi selkeästi koko prosessin läpi. Voin suositella lämpimästi!
Jaakko Laine
Jaakko Laine
Teetin koko ulkomaalipinnan ja oven sisäpuolisten maalipinnan osien PPF-kalvon asennuksen uuteen Mazda MX-5:een, sekä vanteiden pinnoituksen ja takalasin tummennuksen. Auton saatiin heti toimituksen jälkeen työn alle, vaikka toimitus tapahtui vähän odotettua aikaisemmin. Teippasin autoani ensimmäistä kertaa ja minua perehdytettiin hyvin aiheeseen, sekä eri materiaalien toimivuudesta kerrottiin avoimesti. Yrityksen sivuilta löytyy runsaasti tietoa palveluista ja perehdytystä alaa tuntemattomille suomeksi. Työn jälki oli erittäin hyvää ja kalvo asennettiin siten, että saatiin maksimaallinen suoja ja kaikki mahdolliset reunat taitettiin piiloon. Myös hankalat kohteet, kuten peruutuskamera ja auton etäisyysanturien peitettiin kokonaan kalvolla ilman reunoja. Näiden hankalien kohtien osalta todettiin, että mikäli teipin pysyvyydessä on ongelmia, voi auton tuoda myöhemmin lyhyelle käynille ilmeiseksi, jotta teippi voidaan leikata auki ja huonosti pysyvä osa poistaa. Yhden etäisyysanturin kohdalla teipin kanssa oli ongelma pysyvyyden kanssa, joka korjattiin auki leikkaamalla ilmaiseksi, kuten luvattiin. Suojaa saatiin myös takaluukun lastaussuojan seudulle ja ovien kynnyslistoihin, mistä ei ollut työtä tilattaessa erikseen puhetta. Työn aikana edistymisestä tiedotettiin ja ehdotettiin joitakin lisäsuojauksia ja töitä, jotka kannattaisi teettää samalla. Maksuttomina lisätöinä sain myös mediajärjestelmän näytön suojakalvotuksen ja eturekisterikilven kiinnitystavan muutoksen sirompaan ratkaisuun. Voin hyvin mielin suositella Restyling Pointia, joka saa kiitosta erityisesti laadukkaasta työstä ja hyvästä palvelusta.

The Finnish climate does not treat cars well. Especially during winter – dirt, slushy snow, road salt and bitumen accumulate on a car’s paint and damage its surface. Rock chips and scratches on the car’s paint, windshield and lights are a nightmare for every driver. Therefore, paint protection film, commonly called PPF or “ClearBra”, is our and our customers’ most popular choice for excellent protection of the car’s paint surface and for keeping the paint looking like new.

Paint Protection Film is the best solution in the world for protecting the car’s paint surface from physical and chemical damage. PPF is practically an investment to retain the value of the car.

PPF is a 200-micron thick, completely transparent polyurethane film. It has unique properties: “SelfHealing“, it means that scratches go away if heated, “Topcoat” meaning that on top of the film there is a factory sprayed ceramic hydrophobic coating, which helps to keep the car clean for longer.

In our PPF projects we use “PreCut” and “Bulk” installation methods. By using Llumar’s software, Summa vinyl cutter plotter precisely cuts the necessary car areas, which we later install without using a knife. All necessary cuts are made using special technology without touching the paint surface with the blade. We always modify the software’s settings for the customer’s benefit, so that as many edges as possible are folded, giving extra protection, e.g., in the inner arch, etc.

The accuracy of cutting and installing the protective film is at the highest possible level.

In all PPF installation projects, the car must be left overnight for full drying to fulfill warranty conditions. We protect your car according to the highest quality standards.

Protective film on the paint surface. ppf film. ford car


PPF is usually installed to the risk areas of the car. The most common is the Full Front kit (front bumper, hood, headlights, front fenders, and side mirrors). These are all forward-facing parts of the vehicle that are most exposed to stone impacts.

Due to continuous stone impact from the tires to the car’s surface, the PPF installation to the rocker panels and rear wheel impact area is necessary too, a good example is the undoubted need of PPF for the Tesla Model 3. More than 1880 cars were protected by Restyling Point in the period of 2019-2022.

Installation of the Paint Protection Film to the entire car is increasing in popularity, as it guarantees the best protection for the paint surface.

PPF is available in Gloss and Matte versions. The paint protection film does not damage the paint surface if you will want to take it off at some point. PPF is usually covered by insurance companies.

Protective film on the paint surface. ppf film. ford car


PPF is usually installed to the risk areas of the car. The most common is the Full Front kit (front bumper, hood, headlights, front fenders, and side mirrors). These are all forward-facing parts of the vehicle that are most exposed to stone impacts.

Due to continuous stone impact from the tires to the car’s surface, the PPF installation to the rocker panels and rear wheel impact area is necessary too, a good example is the undoubted need of PPF for the Tesla Model 3. More than 1880 cars were protected by Restyling Point in the period of 2019-2022.

Installation of the Paint Protection Film to the entire car is increasing in popularity, as it guarantees the best protection for the paint surface.

PPF is available in Gloss and Matte versions. The paint protection film does not damage the paint surface if you will want to take it off at some point. PPF also belongs to the compensation policy of insurance companies.



The headlights are also one of the most sensitive risk parts of the car, so we recommend protecting them with protection film too. The film protects the lights from scratches, stone impacts and almost all daily physical strain.

Below are examples of the two most common event scenarios based on our 10 years of experience:

Lights without protection + a stone impact + a crack + moisture entering light’s electronics = a new light the price of which is on average €1,000 – €2,500.

Lights protected with PPF = €129 and protection against damage for 10 years.

Light protective film, light protected ppf film
Light protective film, light protected ppf film


The headlights are also one of the most sensitive risk parts of the car, so we recommend protecting them with protection film too. The film protects the lights from scratches, stone impacts and almost all daily physical strain.

Below are examples of the two most common event scenarios based on our 10 years of experience:

Lights without protection + a stone impact + a crack + moisture entering light’s electronics = a new light the price of which is on average €1,000 – €2,500.

Lights protected with PPF = €129 and protection against damage for 10 years.

Car. Clearplex ppf film


The PPF industry is constantly developing, introducing new and improved products and methods of working. ClearPlex is the world’s first optically clear impact protection film for vehicle windshields. We were the first to offer ClearPlex installation in Finland.

Rocks and road debris that constantly hit the windshield can cause serious, expensive damage and distort the view of the road. It is about safety. If you choose ClearPlex, you will get effective and invisible windshield protection with its unique features. It is a patented hard protective film that is impact and scratch resistant. The film protects the car’s interior and passengers from 99% of harmful UV rays and improves visibility during rain or snow. This solution is especially ideal for maintaining luxury cars and vintage vehicles.

Car. Clearplex ppf film


The PPF industry is constantly developing, introducing new and improved products and methods of working. ClearPlex is the world’s first optically clear impact protection film for vehicle windshields. We were the first to offer ClearPlex installation in Finland.

Rocks and road debris that constantly hit the windshield can cause serious, expensive damage and distort the view of the road. It is about safety. If you choose ClearPlex, you will get effective and invisible windshield protection with its unique features. It is a patented hard protective film that is impact and scratch resistant. The film protects the car’s interior and passengers from 99% of harmful UV rays and improves visibility during rain or snow. This solution is especially ideal for maintaining luxury cars and vintage vehicles.


Keeps your car looking brand-new – The paint protection film provides a permanent protective surface for the car’s paint and helps to keep the car’s surface as good as new. The protection film prevents the car’s paint surface from wear and scratches and gives it a permanent shiny appearance.

Preserves the car’s resale value – Used car buyers value the vehicle’s original appearance. Damaged car paint considerably lowers the car’s resale value. PPF is a great way to keep the value of the car and when it’s time to sell, it will allow you to sell the car for the best possible price.

Makes it easier to clean the car – The ceramic and hydrophobic features of the film repel dirt, thus making it easier to wash the car and maintain its shiny look.

The car becomes more resistant to environmental damage – Harmful UV rays from the sun can damage the car’s paint and cause a new car to fade early. The protection minimizes the effect of UV rays and prevents paint surfaces from aging.

Provides protection from scratches – Scratches collect moisture, which eventually leads to rusting of the car body. Likewise, chemicals from harsh cleaning products and environmental stresses can lead to the color damage and change. The paint protection film effectively protects against these damages.

Invisible car protection – The best thing about PPF is that it is completely invisible. It also improves the car’s appearance by keeping its surface shiny.

Save money on repairs – Prevention is the best way to keep your car looking like new. The PPF helps to protect the exterior of the car, so you don’t have to spend money on repairing car surface damage.